The Do Not Pet tape collar was created for all dogs that need peace of mind. It was created under the inspiration of "The Yellow Dog Project" initiative. The idea of the project is yellow colour - it can be a yellow collar, leash, ribbon or any other accessory. Yellow is supposed to communicate that this particular dog needs more space!
The tape dog collar is infinitely adjustable, so you can easily fit it to your dog's neck circumference. Additionally, it is easily fastened with a click buckle. It is easy to remove and put on, so all medium and large dogs can wear it.
The "DO NOT PET" webbing dog collars are available in 3 sizes:
Collar width
Total length
Neck circumference of dog
2,0 cm
45 cm
23 - 34 cm
3,0 cm
60 cm
35 - 55 cm
4,0 cm
75 cm
40 - 67 cm
The "Don't Touch" collection webbing dog collars are designed to help dog owners keep their pets comfortable and safe!
After all, there are many reasons why we don't want anyone approaching our pet:
it's a working and assistance dog, e.g. it's a guide dog,
it's in training and we don't want to be disturbed,
it just doesn't like to be touched by strangers,
a bitch, e.g. a breeding one, is in heat,
your pet has just had a surgery or is being treated,
it is an elderly, infirm dog for whom we provide a peaceful old age,
your dog is fearful and timid and cannot tolerate contact with strangers or dogs,
it is a puppy or a young dog that has just joined our family and is still in quarantine,
the pet you are walking is a dog from a shelter, is still distrustful and you are still learning about each other,
your pet shows aggressive behaviour towards strangers and dogs.
Harnesses, leashes and collars with "DO NOT TOUCH" tape will help you communicate with other dog walkers.
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